Order Form
**FIRST TIME ORDERING? Please check out our Home Delivery FAQ's Page. We do not currently process payments through our website. We also reccomend that you add orders@seafoodex.com to your contact list to ensure you don't miss any of your order communications from us. These often go to spam/promotional folders.**
We will ALWAYS confirm receipt of your order. If you do not receive an email order confirmation from us within the day you order, please resend your order form.
PLEASE DO NOT HIT "Enter" OR "Return" WHEN USING THIS FORM, as it will result in the form submitting, potentially before you are done completing.
Please review our full item description pages before ordering and feel free to reach out to us with any questions. If you do not wish to use this order form, you may send your orders to us by email at orders@seafoodex.com or by texting or calling us at 978-267-7329.